Friday, July 13, 2007

Drought - Stopping its Negative Consequences

I have written how to stop floods. In practicality, this is the opposite. All municipalities control fresh water to each address and waste water from each address. We only need to add more pumps and connect each city's lines to each other. Right now, we have a myriad of separate systems. Like with buses and airplanes, we need only connect them to have access to more water or to be able to pump out excess fresh or waste water. Thus, when rainfall in inadequate for the farmer's, home owners or others' use, [in the mid west or elsewhere], we only need to have in place, in advance, agreements with surrounding municipalities to receive water from them and to be able to pump excess water out too, when needed.

A decade ago, or so, California had a season with water rationing. That made me laugh. The powers that be only needed to do two things to insure themselves unlimited water; obtain it from another state [like in buying cross state electrical power] and develop along the coast, water DESALINIZATION plants. The LA area has one or more. I have not ever heard of one in the N. Calif area. EVERY state adjacent to the ocean or a large lake should have such a process available.

It is recognized that oceans, rivers, lakes, streams and other bodies of water fall under some government agency. Since this is so, it takes time to coordinate plans to make sure everyone who wishes water at least gets to be heard, and if the "infrastructure" exists, and the costs "reasonable", he who wants water, gets water [or gets rid of it]. Like major water ways, especially the Colorado River adjoining Arizona and California, who gets what amount of it and who pays for its distribution has become a decades long argument and such argument has included Mexico!

Next, rain does fall over every foot of land on earth, but sometimes, it just takes longer at some sites than other sites. When it takes "longer", there is nothing stopping hydrologists and scientists from creating water retention systems from plastic sheeting over mountains and over any water collecting flaura. Also, as in the Death Valley area, cavers have found underground caverns holding many acre feet of water.

In reminder, as long as no geographical lines are illegally crossed, water can be shipped via standard water lines to central distribution areas and from there, sprinkling systems can disseminate water to buildings, ag land or for other use.

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